Sunday, March 16, 2014

Telly’s Second Visit With Carter

I had such a fun visit with Carter. Things we did together: We jumped on his trampoline in the back yard. Carter jumped SO high with me. It was quite thrilling. Carter took me to a birthday party for a friend at an ice skating rink. The whole family went. It was very exciting to watch the ice skaters. Carter didn’t try it this time, but maybe he will next time. I watched his brother, Braden, go around 2 times! And, it was so cool to watch the Zamboni clean the ice. It was SO big. I would like to drive one someday.
Carter’s Grammoo was visiting from California and read to me, Carter and his brother and sister. She was very nice to me I got to meet Carter’s new sister, Stella. She’s pretty close to my size since she is only 6 weeks old!

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