Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stella Grace is One Month Old!

One month already!?!  It seems simultaneously like she's been part of our family forever but also that she just arrived!  Funny how that is.
Statistics:  Stella is approximately 8.5 lbs and 20 inches long.  The doctor actually measured her just under 20 inches at her 2 week appointment, so apparently she shrank from birth!  Just kidding, obviously they didn't measure her very accurately, not a big deal.
Accomplishments: Stella is eating like a champ!  It IS a big accomplishment because that means I'll be able to nurse her for several months like I want to; if she had too many problems or hurt me too much I wouldn't have to time to constantly pump like I did for Braden.
Schedule:  Standard newborn schedule, which means alternating eating and sleeping, usually 2 or 2.5 hrs between each feeding.  Which means I get up either get up two or three times each night with her (and it does make a difference--I feel much more rested w/ only two wake ups!).  Also like the boys, she tends to get fussiest at night and cluster her feedings then, hopefully in preparation for longer night sleeps!  We do think the nighttime fussiness is also related to the antibiotics I have had to take for two weeks---I developed an infection from my C-section, which sent me back to the hospital and back on pain medicines as well--so all those medicines are now coming to an end and hopefully whatever effect they are having on Stella will come to an end as well.
Overall, she is an wonderfully pleasant baby and pure joy to have in our family!  I can't stand to hear her cry, so she does spend a lot of time being held!  So, I'm sure she's getting a bit spoiled (if that's at all possible) but that's OK, she's our baby and we just want her to be happy!

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