Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Mini Me

One of my Mom's very best friends, Robin Hand, knitted her a blanket that she used to take me home from the hospital in (it is green and yellow because they couldn't know WAY back then if I was a girl or boy!). So, here's a few pictures of me coming home from the hospital, and here are two of baby Stella with my blanket---maybe she will actually look like me!
Me sometime around Aug 11, 1977


JOHN and ROBIN said...

Stephannie, you are the most sentimental person and you touch my heart with your love. Your Mom and I have a lot of history...all wonderful and you make me feel a part of your life and history. Thank you so much for being my honorary daughter.

Carter, Braden, Stella, Scott & Stephannie said...

Awe Robin--love you and love how you're such a great friend to Mom! You have been so special to us and we love you for it!!