Sunday, February 2, 2014


At 5am my water broke, and at 6:35 Stella Grace Seigfried was born. Sounds like the world's best and fastest labor, right? Well, not exactly...

At 5am on Sunday, Feb 2nd, two days before my scheduled cesarean (since Stella was still breach) my water broke. I knew I needed to hurry but we took 15-20 mins or so so I could shower, dress, and grab my things while Scott got the boys to the car. The contractions got progressively and exponentially worse each minute--what started off as seemingly normal at 5am became excruciating by 5:30am. At 0545, Scott dropped me off at the emergency entrance and they wheelchaired me upstairs to labor and delivery and checked...I was "complete" or 10 cm dilated with a breach baby and they had to call in the anesthesiologist and doctor right away! Because of the dangers of natural child birth for a breech baby, a c-section was necessary and the stress level increase in the room was noticeable in all the nurses and doctors' voices since we were already running out of time.  I began crying when the doctor told me I had to be completely put under as there was no time for the normal epidural they do for c-sections. They rolled me into surgery and two minutes later I was asleep; thankfully I woke up around 8:30am to the news that everything was fine and we had a healthy baby girl!
 Here's all of us about 2 hrs after surgery (my friend Peggy took the boys around 10am for the rest of the day):

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