Friday, September 16, 2011

Carter James is TWO!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! I'm so lucky that your mine! As with Braden, I remember the day you were born so vividly, I'm surprised it was two whole years ago today! You were one week late...due 9/9/09, which would have been so cool by the way! Braden was one week early, so I was waiting for you for days, weeks, really...all my life! Anyway, I went to my check up appointment one week after you were due, on Sept 16th, with Grandma Linda (who, by the way, spent a lot of money to change her return flight home to be able to witness your birth and take care of Braden), and at that morning appointment the midwife said we could go immediately to the hospital and be induced...I was shocked because they originally told me they didn't induce until two weeks late, but I was ready so off we went. Well, first to lunch (a girl's gotta eat!), then the hospital! They started the Pitocin around 1pm, the contractions started a little before 2pm, right after Daddy arrived. I did really good with no drugs until about 4:45m, when I requested (demanded!) an epidural, but 5pm was the anesthesiologist change-over time, so the new guy didn't come until about 5:45pm. It didn't' really take, but it didn't were born less than an hour later at 6:38pm, perfect and beautiful! 5 1/2 hrs of labor, you were ready for this world for sure!! We had a little Mickey themed birthday party at Christy's today with your new! In the past two years you have been such a blessing to our family, I can't even imagine a world without you. You and Braden are such great friends and brothers, it warms my heart to seen you together and taking care of each other. I am constantly impressed with how smart you are...even counting out loud and saying ABCs---maybe because you have a big brother or maybe reading to you and educational TV, but, regardless, you are so so smart!! I hope you use your abilities to better the world and do something in the long run that you are proud of. I can't end this post without mentioning your sense of humor...If we laugh at something you do, you do it over and over...maybe you'll be a comedian when you grow up! Well, whatever you do, Mommy and Daddy will be proud of you! Again, Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you!