Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doctor Day!

Today we did a double doctor appointment (Braden's 3-year and Carter's 1-year), and I can report that both boys are very healthy and doing great!

Stats: Braden is 37 3/4 inches and 31 lbs, which puts him right in the 50th percentile as usual.

Carter is 30 inches tall and 20 lbs, 6 oz, which means he's in the 25th-50th percentile, consistent with how he's been growing this past year.

I was amazed at how in-depth the three year appointment was, they tested Braden's vision, even depth perception, and his hearing...all outstanding!

Both boys got shots, which was so un-fun, but at least it's now done!

Sorry, no pic, I brought the camera but didn't want to bother the doctor w/ it!

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