Monday, September 27, 2010

Carter's First Haircut

Decided it was time for Carter's first haircut! He did a great job but now looks so much older!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Haven't been lucky enough to meet the Sullivans yet, but probably will's a small Air Force Family! I was so extremely touched by this story last year for several reasons...first of all, baby Chloe was born 8 days before my precious Carter, so I feel lucky every day for my health and our family. Also, both my parents are cancer Mom has survived breast cancer for 5 years now, and my Dad has been cancer free for over a year from throat and tongue cancer! Beautiful Sara Sullivan was 4 years younger than me....this thing touches all of us!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Doctor Day!

Today we did a double doctor appointment (Braden's 3-year and Carter's 1-year), and I can report that both boys are very healthy and doing great!

Stats: Braden is 37 3/4 inches and 31 lbs, which puts him right in the 50th percentile as usual.

Carter is 30 inches tall and 20 lbs, 6 oz, which means he's in the 25th-50th percentile, consistent with how he's been growing this past year.

I was amazed at how in-depth the three year appointment was, they tested Braden's vision, even depth perception, and his hearing...all outstanding!

Both boys got shots, which was so un-fun, but at least it's now done!

Sorry, no pic, I brought the camera but didn't want to bother the doctor w/ it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Toy Library

Decided it's time to start back with the weekly playgroups...we haven't been to this one very often because Braden is usually at Christy's on Fridays, but now that Carter is getting older, it's time for him to get to go even if Braden is not with us!

The Toy Library is great because you can borrow a toy or two for the week, and donate ones when you're through. Very good idea!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy First Birthday Carter!

"Baby Carter" is now one year old! What a special boy and such a blessing to our family. September 16th is your birthday because you were one week late that day and they decided to induce me...late but worth the wait! They started with the induction a little after 1pm, and you were born at didn't need a lot of convincing it was time, apparently!In the past year you've been such a wonderful and easy baby, I feel so lucky all the time! You are a very healthy and happy boy, and have hit every milestone really easily. And soon we'll have another big'll be walking any day!

Recent developments: You got your first top tooth on Aug 27th followed quickly but the second on Sept 6th. Four teeth means eating lots of table food...forget that baby food, you decided you don't like it much anyway! I've been introducing whole more formula for you!
Check out those teeth!
I also just bought and installed your new "big boy car seat" have so much more room and seem to love it.

One thing you've been doing the past few weeks is clapping your cute! I don't remember exactly why this is so important, but I think it shows left/right brain coordination, hand/eye coordination (obviously), etc, so I make a big deal about it and now you've made it into a big game...if you want Mommy's attention and praise, just clap your hands :)

Otherwise, the rest of the day, you spend following Braden around and trying so very hard to play with him! It's amazing how much you love each other, often in the car you spend the whole drive making each other laugh! Other times, of course, he has a hard time sharing toys with you, so I definitely break up a LOT of "one way" fights these days! I'm hoping that will get better with time (probably a lot of time!), but nonetheless you are very lucky to have such an amazing brother in your life.
One thing you've gotten VERY good at is climbing the stairs...and if the gate isn't closed tightly, you know how to open it! You little stinker :) I guess this means you're resourceful and persistent, which of course is good, but maybe not in this case!Your newest word..."Hi!" I guess I often sing-song hi to you all day, so very cute when you repeat it. Actually, you're very good at repeating most sounds, of course I still hear a lot of Mamas and Dada mostly.

Stats: your dr appointment is next week, so I'll just wait to publish those...I'm guessing you're over 20 lbs now though!

Happy First Birthday sweet boy!!!!!! What a big boy...where did my baby go?!?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Relishing the warm-ish Weather

Really haven't got anything fun or exciting to post, we've been doing same-old same-old...parks parks parks! Whenever we have a nice day we're outside...getting very cold soon!

Completely different day and park, just wanted to share my Mohawk boy with you!

Braden has been going to Christy's a couple days a week, and we're all working really really hard on the potty soon as that's done he's headed to preschool!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mom and Greg visit to VT

Fun week with Mom and Greg--beach, park, church, Champlain Valley Fair, train ride to Stowe, ECHO aquarium...the boys and I are sad to see it coming to an end!