Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Any day now Carter James!

I had my 37 week appointment today, which means I’m technically full term and the baby can be born without any problems starting today! I didn’t really write down details or even thoughts or feelings about the upcoming event with Braden, and I find myself trying to think of some of the details and already forgetting! I think at this point I was just trying to get through each day, and it’s pretty much the same now…trying not to be too impatient, trying to do whatever I can to be as comfortable as I can, and just making it through each day to be one day closer. I am NOT a patient person, so this is a huge challenge for me!
But, here’s where I am today:
37 weeks
Total weight gain: 40lbs (!!!) Yikes!!!
Movement: I can feel Carter moving a lot more than I could with Braden, and overall that’s a nice, reassuring thing. At times you can actually see my whole belly move, which is very weird! He’s been head down for several weeks, so most of the kicks I feel are higher up.
Food: I don’t think I’ve been eating anything really weird, but a few times I have absolutely HAD to get Thai food! We didn’t really have any good Thai food in by us in Phoenix, so I didn’t have this with Braden. With both pregnancies I’ve eaten A LOT more sugar than normal, with Braden it was Cold Stone ice cream, with Carter it’s popsicles and skittles!!
Sleep: The lack of sleep is the worst part of being pregnant! I go to bed 8-9 hrs before I expect Braden to wake me up, and I usually wake up 2-3 times during the night because I think I have to go to the bathroom…I hate this!!!
How I’m feeling: Most of the time, I’m doing pretty good! Overall this summer has been pretty pleasant weather-wise, which has been a blessing to me. These last few weeks have been pretty hot and muggy, but the pool and beach and air conditioning make it bearable. My number one complaint is simply tiredness…even climbing the stairs has become difficult, which is very frustrating.
What I’m looking forward to: Having a new little person to meet! Cuddling with a sweet, innocent baby and knowing that he’s mine. Watching how Braden interacts with him and learns how to be a good big brother.
What I’m NOT looking forward to: Sleepless nights! I don’t know of any newborn that sleeps through the night before 2 months old, and I’m not sure how I’m going to do with no sleep through the night and then chasing around Braden all day!
Luckily Scott will be able to take a few weeks off work and my Mom and Mother-in-law each will be our here for 10 days to help me, especially with Braden, during that first I should be covered for September!!

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