Sunday, August 30, 2009

Champlain Valley Fair

Today Scott, Braden and I decided to check out the Champlain Valley Fair and had a great time! There was so much to do, but we spent most of our time with the farm animal exhibits. This was Braden's FIRST pony ride....he loved it!! The fair goes on for another week, so we'll definitely be going back (well, Braden will...I will if this baby doesn't decide it's time to arrive!).

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hanging out with Aunt Jackie (Wednesday)

After my 38-week doctor appointment (Jackie went and got to hear the baby's heartbeat!), we went for an awesome lunch to the Japanese Hibachi Grill, just us girls! When Braden woke up for his nap we picked him up from Christy's and when to Scott's work so she could see the jets.

Me and my fly boys :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hanging Out with Aunt Jackie (Tuesday)

On Tuesday we met a bunch of my friends at the Sand Bar Beach for one of our last days together before the summer is over! Finally a sunny day, perfect for playing in the water! After Braden's nap, we went to the Ben and Jerry's factory for the tour and tasting...yummy!

Hanging out with Aunt Jackie (Monday)

Ever since I've lived in Burlington I've wanted to check out the Lake Champlain Cruises, so, on Monday Braden, Jackie and I went on the 1 1/2 hour narrative voyage! It was pretty interesting to learn about some of the area history, geography, etc, so we're really glad we went :) Then, on to lunch at Splash at the fun!

Hanging out with Aunt Jackie (Sunday)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Braden's Second Birthday Party

We had a wonderful time yesterday celebrating Braden's second birthday at our house. Aunt Jackie flew out from California for the week and especially to be here for Braden's party! As of 10am the forecast for the afternoon was rain, but by 11am we were blessed with clear skies!! So, outdoor party it was, just like I wanted! We rented an awesome bouncy and had splash toys, the kids seemed to have a blast. Braden's wonderful friends--Noah, Stella and Kendall, Celeste and Eleanor, and Maddie and Reagan (along with their fantastic parents!) came over to play and really made the day special. Thank you for being there and celebrating with us!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Making paper

Lots of fun crafts at Christy's they are making paper...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Any day now Carter James!

I had my 37 week appointment today, which means I’m technically full term and the baby can be born without any problems starting today! I didn’t really write down details or even thoughts or feelings about the upcoming event with Braden, and I find myself trying to think of some of the details and already forgetting! I think at this point I was just trying to get through each day, and it’s pretty much the same now…trying not to be too impatient, trying to do whatever I can to be as comfortable as I can, and just making it through each day to be one day closer. I am NOT a patient person, so this is a huge challenge for me!
But, here’s where I am today:
37 weeks
Total weight gain: 40lbs (!!!) Yikes!!!
Movement: I can feel Carter moving a lot more than I could with Braden, and overall that’s a nice, reassuring thing. At times you can actually see my whole belly move, which is very weird! He’s been head down for several weeks, so most of the kicks I feel are higher up.
Food: I don’t think I’ve been eating anything really weird, but a few times I have absolutely HAD to get Thai food! We didn’t really have any good Thai food in by us in Phoenix, so I didn’t have this with Braden. With both pregnancies I’ve eaten A LOT more sugar than normal, with Braden it was Cold Stone ice cream, with Carter it’s popsicles and skittles!!
Sleep: The lack of sleep is the worst part of being pregnant! I go to bed 8-9 hrs before I expect Braden to wake me up, and I usually wake up 2-3 times during the night because I think I have to go to the bathroom…I hate this!!!
How I’m feeling: Most of the time, I’m doing pretty good! Overall this summer has been pretty pleasant weather-wise, which has been a blessing to me. These last few weeks have been pretty hot and muggy, but the pool and beach and air conditioning make it bearable. My number one complaint is simply tiredness…even climbing the stairs has become difficult, which is very frustrating.
What I’m looking forward to: Having a new little person to meet! Cuddling with a sweet, innocent baby and knowing that he’s mine. Watching how Braden interacts with him and learns how to be a good big brother.
What I’m NOT looking forward to: Sleepless nights! I don’t know of any newborn that sleeps through the night before 2 months old, and I’m not sure how I’m going to do with no sleep through the night and then chasing around Braden all day!
Luckily Scott will be able to take a few weeks off work and my Mom and Mother-in-law each will be our here for 10 days to help me, especially with Braden, during that first I should be covered for September!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

My baby is Two Today!!

Wow…I can’t believe August 17th, 2007 was already two years ago! What a day to remember!
I got up that morning wishing this was the day you would be here, but really not expecting it…most first time babies are late not early, so I just wanted to get through the day, one week before your expected due date.
So I went to work…by that time I was working 6 hrs restricted duty days, but I had to make sure I was on time for the Squadron Commander’s Call (since I was getting my Commendation medal that day for the three years I spent at Luke AFB). So, as the meeting began, I begun to get what I thought were false contractions, but I suffered through them because I really didn’t think they were the real deal. I must have looked horrible standing at “attention” in front of everyone, the first sergeant told me I could sit down if I wanted! After lunch I went home a bit early since I wasn’t feeling so good, but even then I told Scott to go ahead and fly his afternoon sortie…surely this wasn’t the real thing!
But when Scott called when he landed around 4pm, I knew I was mistaken…he needed to get home quick! So, no debriefing for him, and when he got home around 5:30 I said, “Sorry, no time for a shower, let’s go now!!”
Got to the hospital around 6pm, they officially admitted me around 7pm (after determining that I was progressing and was now about 5 cm), and that’s when my water broke and the serious pain began. Very intense, to say the least! The anesthesiologist, my favorite person in the whole wide world at that moment in time, administered the epidural around 7:30, and life was much better then.
The next three hours I tried to relax, but couldn’t sleep because I was so very very excited…my baby was finally on his way! Scott left to get a quick bite to eat and shortly after he got back, it was time to push!!
Well, my favorite number is 17, so, at 11pm on Aug 17th, I was determined to have you quickly, and you cooperated. My beautiful baby boy was born at 11:40pm, and all my hopes and dreams of a beautiful family came true!

Since that day, you have been nothing but a true joy and blessing in our lives. I have treasured every smile, every laugh, every milestone and all the wonderful things in between that make you such a magnificently beautiful person.
Now you’re two! Wow…what a change from the little 6lb6oz peanut I brought home that day! You’ve learned how to crawl, walk and now RUN very quickly everywhere, and seem to have boundless energy most of the time! You love to learn how things work and how pieces fit together , what a beautiful inquisitive mind. You’re now beginning to talk up a storm and easily repeat most things said around you. You’re definitely free-spirited and independent and sometimes stubborn, but you have such a pure and sweet heart. And a contagious laugh! Seconds after you’re in trouble for doing something bad, you have a tendency to find a game or dance a little dance or do something funny, you make it hard to stay mad at you because you’re so darned cute. I guess I could go on and on, but suffice it to say that words just can’t describe the pure happiness and love you have brought to us, and I feel truly blessed to be your mom.
Happy birthday Sweet Boy!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Braden's Two Year Check Up

Today was Braden's 2-year doctor appointment, and the doc said he's doing great! 75th% in height (35 inches) and 25th in weight (25lbs, 14oz) tall and skinny! The best more shots for two years! We hate those!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome home DaDa!

Tonight Scott gets home from his 17-day trip to Red Flag Alaska...a great flying opportunity for him but a long time as a (very) pregnant "single" mom for me! Wow...can't believe we've (I've) made it! Braden is a pure joy but a bit exhausting at times, which is difficult since it seems all I am is tired from the second I wake up! Thanks to some great friends, beautiful weather and wonderfully fun things to do in VT, amazingly the time has gone by pretty quickly.
Braden decided to draw DaDa a picture to surprise him tonight :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Swinging on the beach

**The ultimate plagiarism...J's "wordless Wednesdays" and J's artistic swing picture from the beach...sincerest flattery!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Family Fun Festival

Beautiful Saturday for a festival! Pony rides, bouncie, games, picnic, lots of fun! We went with the Carter girls and met up with Jamie and Jenn and their families too. Very tired boy is now upstairs napping, so I have a few minutes to post the pictures!