Friday, May 2, 2014

3 Months Old

What a pure joy Stella Grace is! I haven't been able to capture her best smiles on camera, but she smiles a lot and makes the cutest cooing sounds when she is happy, which is often!

The routine is constantly changing, but I'm happy to report she is "sleeping through the night!" I take her upstairs between 8pm and 8:30pm, and she sleeps until 4:30am or 5! Much better for me! She wants to take a morning nap and usually takes a great afternoon nap, the only problem is that I have to pick up Carter from preschool so that usually interrupts her morning nap. Oh well, the life of the 3rd child!

She's been grabbing her feet a lot and chewing on her hands--maybe the beginning of teething?? Overall, she's very much more alert to all around her, noticing movement and sounds--and she LOVES her brothers! She's 11-12 lbs so I just started putting on the 3-6 month outfits---fun for me every day!

If you can't tell, I'm completely in LOVE with her! SO happy to have a daughter! I took her to the nail salon on Monday and she charmed everyone in there---can't wait to get her nails done too :) I can't go anywhere without someone telling me how pretty she is, and I totally agree :)

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