Saturday, May 31, 2014

Promotion Party

Scott's parents threw him an awesome promotion party! First time having some of these friends over, and as you can see, the food was AMAZING!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Boat Day

My awesome friend Jenn took us out for a day of fun on her boat! This was the first time she was the captain without her husband, who's out of town, and she rocked! Scott, the token first mate, was a huge help and we got to see Yorktown from the water for the first time!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Yorktown Beach

Perfect day for the beach! Braden still has a few weeks left of school, but since Carter is now on summer break we decided to meet some friends for some fun in the sun :)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Preschool Graduation

Fort Fun

Checking out the local parks and figuring out where the best summer hang outs are--this one was great!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Family Fun Day

After Carter's buzz hair cut, which he actually asked for, we went to the preschool's fun day---lots of games, lunch, tickets for prizes---really was fun!

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Sweetest

End of year party for Carter; he won the award for being the "sweetest" person in his class :)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Children's Prespectives

From Braden:
He pretty much nailed it, if I have the time I would take a nap, and we do love to chit chat! I do love the color red and it does seem like my main job lately has been to take care of Stella. Definitely not 99 lbs though...

 From Carter:
Not so sure I'm good at running, and I definitely am not 14 yrs old!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Ma Spa

Beautiful Mother's day celebration at Braden's school---the "Ma Spa!" Cake, art project, and kids painting their Mom's nails! I am now very colorful!
As usual, Stella steals the show...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Carter's Art Show

Art show at Carter's school...all the kids were very proud of their displayed artwork!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Great and Glorious

Just too cute not to document, Carter calls Stella "the great and glorious Stella Bella." I thought maybe a one time thing, but no, he says it constantly. He is such a wonderful big brother, so loving and protective, and obviously she adores him too!
Wasn't going to share this one, but I think it's funny and shows the case in point, Carter was furious with me at the zoo whenever any kids got near his Stella Bella!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

"Uncle Skinny"

Scott's good friend from the Vermont Air National guard just got a job at Langley, so he's moved down and joined us on Sat night for a lot of catching up to do! Everyone is family in a fighter squadron, so all members get defaulted to "uncle" and then their call sign. Can't wait for his whole family to move out this summer!