Saturday, August 21, 2010

Double Birthday Party: Braden is 3!

As described by Braden as "the best birthday EVER!", we had about 30 of our family and friends over to my Dad's house in California to celebrate both Braden's 3rd birthday and Carter's upcoming 1st! Lunch, cake and lots of swimming!

---Thank you Dad and Pat for hosting the party, and to so many friends...Grandma Linda and Grandpa Greg, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Bill, Uncle Dave, Michelle, Carlie and Wyatt, Jeff and his three babies!, Uncle Jim and Aunt Geri, Debbie, Stacy and Jacob, Aunt Kari and Uncle Roy, Kim, James and Maddie, Uncle Ken, Dawn and Devon, and LeiLani for sharing our special day with us!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Happy Birthday Braden and Carter! I hope you guys are having a great time! :)