Monday, August 30, 2010

Champlain Valley Fair

We spent Monday at the fair with Mom and Greg...even though it was really hot, it was a great day! Just like last year, Braden loved the circus,the lion and tiger show and the baby animal farm. We didn't even need to go on the rides with so much else to see and do!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Irvine Park and Zoo

The day before we left California, Pat, Jackie, Dave, and the boys and I went to the Irvine Zoo, which had an awesome petting area, and followed up with a train ride around the!

Carter was amused by the conductor!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Double Birthday Party: Braden is 3!

As described by Braden as "the best birthday EVER!", we had about 30 of our family and friends over to my Dad's house in California to celebrate both Braden's 3rd birthday and Carter's upcoming 1st! Lunch, cake and lots of swimming!

---Thank you Dad and Pat for hosting the party, and to so many friends...Grandma Linda and Grandpa Greg, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Bill, Uncle Dave, Michelle, Carlie and Wyatt, Jeff and his three babies!, Uncle Jim and Aunt Geri, Debbie, Stacy and Jacob, Aunt Kari and Uncle Roy, Kim, James and Maddie, Uncle Ken, Dawn and Devon, and LeiLani for sharing our special day with us!

Double Bday Party: Carter is turning 1!

Today we did a birthday party with our California family for Braden, who turned 3, and Carter, who's first birthday is in 3 weeks! One of the coolest parts of the birthday is that my good friend Jeff brought his triplets (!), who are two weeks older than Carter, so Carter finally had a playdate with kids his own age!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Playdate at Michelle's

Braden and Carter love hanging out with my BFF's kids, Charlize and Wyatt.

As you can see, we had quite the group in the pool (poor Michelle!!)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Carter and Braden go Camping!

Braden, Carter and I joined Pappoo and Grammoo camping in their new camper for the past couple of days...first time camping for either boy!! Braden took to it right away, especially enjoying his special camping chair!

Braden and Pappoo cooking marshmellows:
Yummy smores! Truth be told, Braden took a bite of the smore, but preferred uncooked marshmellows...I think he ate around 7 of them!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Yesterday Carter stayed with Grammoo and Pappoo while Braden and I met our buddies Charlie and Wyatt (and my BFF Michelle) for a day at Disneyland! It was really fun to have special "Mommy-Braden time" and, though Braden's been to Disneyland and DisneyWorld a bunch of times, this time was really fun because he actually knows a lot of the characters from all the Disney movies we have!
Charlie and Braden plan the day:
Mickey and Minnie in the parade!
Charlie, Braden and I on the rockets...Braden's favorite ride this time around:
I cannot describe how much Braden LOVED Belle!! He was talking to her, dancing with her, hugging her...a major crush, I'd have to say!

He like Aeriel too...but nothing compared to Belle!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Carter's 11-Month Bday!

Baby Carter James' 11 month birthday is today!! Now, not only is Carter standing every chance he gets, he can now pull himself to stand on most anything and can safely lowering himself back down again. He first pulled himself up all by himself on July 29th. He's comfortable enough now to hold himself with only one hand, and this makes it easier for him to travel. It won't be long before he is walking! He still has only two bottom teeth but we can tell those top two are coming up any day now. I think he's had a growth spurt and prefers table food over baby food every time! He's growing up so fast!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dinosaur Museum

Today Mom, Greg, Braden, Carter and I checked out the Dinosaur Exhibit in Cabazon...very cute! Braden loves dinos!

In T-Rex's mouth!
My baby dino:

Friday, August 13, 2010

Orange County Hot Air Balloon

Today we all went up in the Orange County hot air balloon and got to see the gorgeous view of the whole area...even though I grew up here, this is the first time I ever did this! So beautiful!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

California Fun

Playing at the park with Uncle Matt:
BBalling with Uncle Dave:
Pool slide with Uncle Matt!

Carter prefers the slightly warm spa over the pool!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Birthday celebration

Celebrating my birthday with my family (Pat was there too, taking the picture!)
Birthday flowers from my brothers and hubby!! Lucky me!