Sunday, May 16, 2010

Carter's 8-month bday!

Every month on the 16th I'm so surprised at how fast it's gone, but here I am again in disbelief that we've had eight wonderful months with this precious little seems like he's always been with us and yet still seems like yesterday that he was born! How can that be?Anyway, no big milestones...I can't believe we've hit the 8th month point still with no teeth!! This month he's just gotten better at his skills...sitting unassisted really well, crawling/scooching across the entire living room, eating a bit less messy, saying "dada, mama, baba," though, I'm not sure sure he knows what they mean. But if you say "Carter," he'll turn and look...I think he knows his name and understands probably more than we know! He's also starting to respond to routine...around 8pm we head upstairs, he whimpers as we're walking up the stairs into his room because he knows it's bedtime, I turn on the music and rock him a little, and all is good. Taller than Andy now! He likes standing...probably will be pulling himself up soon!

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