Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Wonderful Memorial Day with the Adams and Seigfrieds! We all enjoyed the parade in Anapolis, Maryland...
Braden showing his support for Daddy and the F-16 community:
All American boy chomping on his fingers...first tooth popped up today!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekend with the Cousins

Ben and Jake decided to join them! "Uncle Casey, take us for a ride!!!" Carter's first swim:

Boys at work:

Four tired boys!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Carter's 8-month bday!

Every month on the 16th I'm so surprised at how fast it's gone, but here I am again in disbelief that we've had eight wonderful months with this precious little seems like he's always been with us and yet still seems like yesterday that he was born! How can that be?Anyway, no big milestones...I can't believe we've hit the 8th month point still with no teeth!! This month he's just gotten better at his skills...sitting unassisted really well, crawling/scooching across the entire living room, eating a bit less messy, saying "dada, mama, baba," though, I'm not sure sure he knows what they mean. But if you say "Carter," he'll turn and look...I think he knows his name and understands probably more than we know! He's also starting to respond to routine...around 8pm we head upstairs, he whimpers as we're walking up the stairs into his room because he knows it's bedtime, I turn on the music and rock him a little, and all is good. Taller than Andy now! He likes standing...probably will be pulling himself up soon!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kids Day

Every year Burlington hosts Kids Day on the downtown waterfront, with crafts, rides, entertainment, food, etc, and we were really looking forward to it today since last year was so fun. Braden played with the noodles, had a picnic, watched a puppet show, and even made a bracelet out of snacks. The only problem with Kids Day is that there's just too much to do, and once naptime hits it's extremely difficult to convince a very tired and stubborn 2-yr old that it's time to leave!
Here, Carter, you can have the bun, I'll just eat the hot dog!
Building a noodle fort:
Why can we never get a good picture together?? Too busy I guess!
Raisins and Cherrios:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bathtime and Play

On Thursday I decided to put Carter in Braden's bath...messy baby at dinner so he needed a bath anyway, and I thought it would be fun for them. Fun was an understatement!!! I wish I had a video...this is the first time the boys really played together...both were laughing and splashing each other, so wonderful to see! I am really looking forward to a few months from now when Carter is a bit older so they can play and interact together all throughout the day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Being a Mom can be tiring, frustrating and stressful at times, but I wouldn't trade waking up to these beautiful faces for the world!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Touch a Truck Day

Several cities around Burlington have Big Truck days this time of year, a time where police, firefighters, construction workers, etc, park their trucks so the kids can check them out. So, this year we decided to go to the one in Hinesburg...Braden was a bit overwhelmed by the loud horn noises (the kids can honk the horns) but loved "driving" and of course the bounce house afterwards!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Photo shoot

A few from our awesome photo shoot today...
if you're looking for a great photographer in VT,
Jennifer Paradee photography
is open in November!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Daddy time

Spending lots of time making great memories with Daddy before he deploys to Iraq!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Vermont Maple Fest

FINALLY a nice day to go to an outdoor event! The Vermont Maple Fest was really fun...lots of things to do, including of course the amusement park (below). We also had a picnic, met with friends, and watched the!