Friday, April 16, 2010

7 Months Old!!

Carter James is growing up so fast! The biggest thing I have to report is that he started crawling! It's mostly a "scooching" thing (that probably isn't even a word but you know what I mean!), so I have moved the coffee table in the family room so he has more room to move! He usually just moves himself around the toys in that area, but I'm sure he'll be traveling much further than that soon!

Braden giving Carter crawling lessons:
He's eating "dinner" every night (his favorite is an apples and chicken baby food), but he's also enjoyed turkey and vegetables and chicken noodle. He finishes about half the jar before he gets bored, but he's gotten pretty good about getting most of the food to actually stay in his mouth and tummy!
He's sitting up all by himself (though I still watch pretty carefully because he might fall back), and he's an awesome sleeping mostly on his tummy!
Also, last week I had to go through his closet (AGAIN!) because he's now in size 9-month clothes!
Lastly...I'm expecting a tooth to pop through any day now!!

--I love his little feet in the picture, but after I looked at it again I realized he's drooling...oh well, teething, like I said!!

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