Sunday, April 25, 2010


Beautiful day today...time to meet up with Braden's favorite twins!

Apparently, Braden is a comedian (or more a lady charmer!!)! Carter's in the background charming Miss Stella :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

7 Months Old!!

Carter James is growing up so fast! The biggest thing I have to report is that he started crawling! It's mostly a "scooching" thing (that probably isn't even a word but you know what I mean!), so I have moved the coffee table in the family room so he has more room to move! He usually just moves himself around the toys in that area, but I'm sure he'll be traveling much further than that soon!

Braden giving Carter crawling lessons:
He's eating "dinner" every night (his favorite is an apples and chicken baby food), but he's also enjoyed turkey and vegetables and chicken noodle. He finishes about half the jar before he gets bored, but he's gotten pretty good about getting most of the food to actually stay in his mouth and tummy!
He's sitting up all by himself (though I still watch pretty carefully because he might fall back), and he's an awesome sleeping mostly on his tummy!
Also, last week I had to go through his closet (AGAIN!) because he's now in size 9-month clothes!
Lastly...I'm expecting a tooth to pop through any day now!!

--I love his little feet in the picture, but after I looked at it again I realized he's drooling...oh well, teething, like I said!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Braden's first Movie!

Today we decided to take Braden to see "How to Train your Dragon" with a few friends...Braden loved it! He's seen tons of movies but this is the first time we took him to a theater. Really cute movie, the only thing is that the 3-D glasses were a bit big for the 2 yr olds :) We went to McDonalds first so the kids could get their own dragon toy with their happy meals (sitting next to Braden).

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Build and Grow

The Lowe's by our house does projects for kids most Saturdays, so we decided to check it out today for the first time...Braden really is a bit young for it, but I knew he'd love the concept of building something and the opportunity to hammer nails! They give them cute aprons and goggles too. Today he built a a baseball-themed!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dress Up

Today at Christy's Braden and the kids pretended they were cowboys...mustaches and all! Prefect thing for an indoor, rainy day!
I'll have to tell Christy she's about a week late to celebrate Mustache March :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

In the morning the boys got their Easter cookies from Gramma and Grandpa Seigfried and put on their adorable Easter outfits for church from Grandma and Grandpa DeVore:

At our Easter lunch they had face painting so Braden wanted an orange Easter Egg:
After Braden's nap he woke up to a candy trail left by the Easter bunny...

...that led to Easter baskets full of candy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Easter Egg Hunt

Braden hanging out at Christy's with his friends, his ears, and another batch of eggs (and candy!)