Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Months Old?!?

Carter is now 6 months old as of the the 16th, and we had our 6-month check up today.
Weight: 15lbs, 5 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 26 1/2 in (50th percentile)
***interestingly enough, I looked up Braden's stats at 6 months, almost totally identical!

Carter caught Braden's cold last week, so this has been a tough one for all of us! He's never been sick before, so it was really hard to see him so miserable! Very whinny, runny nose, cough, the works! Doctor said he's doing fine now and is getting better, so hopefully we can resume our schedule with playgroups, etc, soon.

Otherwise, he's doing great! Very curious, social and active baby...loves everything Braden does and just can't wait to be able to do it himself!

Our first "photo session" didn't really work so well because Braden kept taking off Carter's sticker :)

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