Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt 2010

Easter egg hunt at Maple Street park lasted all of 3 minutes...seriously! These kids got those eggs fast! Lots of fun with all our friends (the Carter girls are the ones pictured with us)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Six Months Old?!?

Carter is now 6 months old as of the the 16th, and we had our 6-month check up today.
Weight: 15lbs, 5 oz (25th percentile)
Height: 26 1/2 in (50th percentile)
***interestingly enough, I looked up Braden's stats at 6 months, almost totally identical!

Carter caught Braden's cold last week, so this has been a tough one for all of us! He's never been sick before, so it was really hard to see him so miserable! Very whinny, runny nose, cough, the works! Doctor said he's doing fine now and is getting better, so hopefully we can resume our schedule with playgroups, etc, soon.

Otherwise, he's doing great! Very curious, social and active baby...loves everything Braden does and just can't wait to be able to do it himself!

Our first "photo session" didn't really work so well because Braden kept taking off Carter's sticker :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Our "New" Swingset

Now that the snow is melting and the weather has gotten a bit nicer, Braden has been able to test out the swingset the owners left at the house...awesome!

Also started bringing out some of our outdoor toys...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Open Gym

As usual, we spent this Saturday at one of the last open gyms of the year....

Anna hanging out with Carter:
Setting them up:
And knocking them down:
It's gotten a lot less crowded with the better weather and now that Ellie (a kid's entertainer) has finished her program...this is what it looked like a few weeks ago...packed!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's getting warmer...

Not really warm by California was reported to be 49 degrees the other day...but that's great news to us Vermonters!! Snow is melting, time to play outside!! Braden can almost ride his tricycle from Grandma Linda:
Always fun to color w/ chalk:
Carter chilling in our new stroller...same one we had before but in blue (Braden picked that out) since the airline lost our original one...
Definitely ready for spring!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Carter's First Food

Carter seems really interested in watching us eat, so last night we decided to give him his first food...bananas! He wasn't so sure about it (more ended up on his bib than in his tummy) but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it pretty quickly :)

Braden was mildly interested in the whole thing, but wanted NOTHING to do with that yucky food!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Very sadly, Scott's Grandmother passed away last week, so we drove to Pennsylvania for the services. Although the circumstance was very unfortunate, it was so nice to see family and introduce Carter to his Aunt Amy, Uncle Casey, cousins and many extended family members.
All five cousins together at last!

Our New House

Over the past few weeks we moved up the road to this great house, and, though it's been a LOT of work, we just love it!! Still lots to do--boxes/pictures/curtains, but it's starting to feel like home. Thanks Bonnie and Mike for all your help!! Friends and family near and far, come visit us anytime!
dining room:
Living room (aka Braden's train room):

The boys' play room...
Obviously, Carter's room:
Our friend (and the lady who owns the house) painted this awesome mural...perfect for Carter's train room!
Braden's room still needs curtains...