Monday, January 25, 2010

Carter is now 4 Months old!

Carter turned 4 months on the 16th, but since we were in California and his doctor appointment was today, I decided to wait on posting "raggedy Andy" pictures.
I got a few this morning...Carter seemed more interested in playing with him than taking pictures for me--oh well, what do you expect from an active 4-month old?!?

Stats: Weight: 13lbs, 8 oz (25th percentile); Height: 25 1/2" (75th percentile)
Routine: Our routine is a bit off with our travels, but overall Carter just doesn't like to sleep much during the day! He takes one long-ish nap in the early afternoon, and then sometimes one or two more at random times. It's not that we don't try...he just doesn't want to miss anything! He makes up for it at night...sometimes 10-11 hrs straight!
Accomplishments: Last night Carter slept in his crib for the first time ever! He slept from 10pm until 8am, which was awesome! In our room I think I would get him to feed him if he made any sound because I didn't want to wake Scott up, so I think this will lead to better sleep for all!

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