Monday, January 25, 2010

Carter is now 4 Months old!

Carter turned 4 months on the 16th, but since we were in California and his doctor appointment was today, I decided to wait on posting "raggedy Andy" pictures.
I got a few this morning...Carter seemed more interested in playing with him than taking pictures for me--oh well, what do you expect from an active 4-month old?!?

Stats: Weight: 13lbs, 8 oz (25th percentile); Height: 25 1/2" (75th percentile)
Routine: Our routine is a bit off with our travels, but overall Carter just doesn't like to sleep much during the day! He takes one long-ish nap in the early afternoon, and then sometimes one or two more at random times. It's not that we don't try...he just doesn't want to miss anything! He makes up for it at night...sometimes 10-11 hrs straight!
Accomplishments: Last night Carter slept in his crib for the first time ever! He slept from 10pm until 8am, which was awesome! In our room I think I would get him to feed him if he made any sound because I didn't want to wake Scott up, so I think this will lead to better sleep for all!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Long Beach Aquarium

We had such a wonderful day at the Long Beach Aquarium on Wednesday...Jackie, Bill and Matt all took off work to go! Braden of course loved it, even though he wouldn't touch the "icky" sharks or rays in the petting area :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Indoor Play, California Style

Even though we had tons of rain on Tuesday, we still had lots of fun...morning at 'Pump it Up' with Grandma Pat and afternoon at 'Pretend City' with Grandma Linda!

Monday, January 18, 2010

The boys' second Christmas

Lucky boys...presents at both sets of Grandparents' houses this week!

Basketball from Uncle Dave
Braden is going to love his "first computer" from Grandma and Grandpa DeVore
Carter got a few presents too :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visiting with Family and Friends

After church we had invited a bunch of family and friends over to meet Carter and visit...nice to see everyone! This picture shows my Uncle Jim and Aunt Geri, cousins Steve and Dawn, and cousins Debbie and Mike:

Aunt Karen came by (a few times!)

Of course the Koskoffs had to meet Carter!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oak Glen

On Saturday my Mom, Step-Dad, and the boys and I went to Oak Glen, a lovely village in Southern California that has orchards, shops, good food, and a petting zoo...actually, it reminded me of Vermont! No apples or pumpkins this time of year, but we had a great breakfast and lots of fun checking out the animals.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Carter Meets Family in California

Asleep on Grandpa Carl's lap...
With Grandma Pat...and one of the few bottles he's ever taken!
Laughing with Grandpa Greg
Hanging with Aunt Jackie and Uncle Bill
Looks so small next to Uncle Matt!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Duck Pond

Beautiful California morning...Grandpa Carl, Grandma Pat, Uncle Dave, and the boys and I decided to go to a local lake to feed the ducks...Braden wasn't afraid of them, even the big ones!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Little Aviators

On Tuesday morning the boys and I left the house at 4:30am, drove to the Burlington International airport, and got on a flight to L.A. all by ourselves! Quite difficult to travel alone with two babies, to say the least! Unfortunately, our connecting flight was late and they lost my stroller, so I had to run through the Detroit airport from one terminal to the next carrying them both and two carry-ons. I'm so proud of them (and myself!!). They did great with the 7+ hours of travel...they're naturals!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Carter's nap

We've got to get Carter to sleep in his crib...up until now he usually naps in his swing and sleeps in the bassinet by my bed. So for his late morning nap, in the crib he went.

He was being super fussy and Braden hates when he cries so we decided to go in to check on him...Braden promptly crawled in the crib:
Actually said his prayers (without my prompting!) "Now I lay me down to sleep"...and then he gave Carter a kiss goodnight:so cute!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow Storm

We quite literally got about 3 FEET of snow last night, so Scott spent all morning shoveling! Although it's still snowing, it warmed up around noon so I took Braden outside for about 15 minutes to play...tons of fun, as you can see!

In case you can't tell...that's Scott buried in the snow, and that's our mailbox---the snow almost reaches it!!
Sliding down the snow hill...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Week after Christmas

Some fun pictures from this great week with Gramma and Papa Seigfried!