Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trees and Two Year Olds...

We had a lot of fun putting up our tree this year since we'll actually be home for Christmas, but I have to think that whoever started the whole tree decorating tradition didn't have a two-year old...we keep finding pretty shiny ornaments all over the house because apparently they are much more fun to play with than actual toys! Hence the "two-yr old tree"--my name for a tree that has decorations on the top two thirds only! This kind of tree also has no glass or breakable ornaments (or anything extremely irreplaceable) for obvious reasons :)

Showing Carter how it's done!
Stockings waiting to be filled w/ presents because of course the boys were good this year!
My favorite part of having a "two-yr old tree" is the special decorations; here are the three ornaments Braden made this week! Love them!!

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