Friday, November 27, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Trees and Two Year Olds...

We had a lot of fun putting up our tree this year since we'll actually be home for Christmas, but I have to think that whoever started the whole tree decorating tradition didn't have a two-year old...we keep finding pretty shiny ornaments all over the house because apparently they are much more fun to play with than actual toys! Hence the "two-yr old tree"--my name for a tree that has decorations on the top two thirds only! This kind of tree also has no glass or breakable ornaments (or anything extremely irreplaceable) for obvious reasons :)

Showing Carter how it's done!
Stockings waiting to be filled w/ presents because of course the boys were good this year!
My favorite part of having a "two-yr old tree" is the special decorations; here are the three ornaments Braden made this week! Love them!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Daddy, what did you do today at work?!?

The other day there was a professional photographer on the tanker, so he got actual pictures of Scott flying!! Here he's "#1" (the closest jet):

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Open Gym

Best way ever to burn a bunch of energy running around on a Saturday morning (Braden, not me!!)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two Months Old!

Can you believe Carter is already two months old?!?
Today was his two month check up, so here are his stats:
Weight: 11 lbs, 14 oz (50th percentile)
Height: 23 1/4 in (60th percentile)
Schedule: He’s still pretty much on the every three hour feeding (at least during the day), but he’s much more alert during the day and has slept several nights for 5-6 hours stretches! He still LOVES his swing…sometimes more than being held! he does spend a lot of time in there. He’s also started playing on his playmat and really likes seeing his reflection in the little mirror. He’s not a big fan of tummy time, but I try to give him that a couple times throughout the day.
Accomplishments: The biggest thing is that he’s now started smiling!! So very cute! Of course he usually does it after he eats and I never have a camera, so I’m still working on getting a good smile picture. He’s also started holding his head up really well now, not perfectly but he’s pretty strong and steady.

As you can see he's catching up to Raggedy Andy!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Early Thanksgiving Dinner

We made a huge Thanksgiving feast on Sunday; We had turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, crescent rolls, sweet potatoes, green beans, winter root veggies...let me give credit, Michelle made all of it, I watched :) Of course the kids helped too--Charlize decorated the mashed potatoes with several CUPS of chives. Charlize and Braden also made the pumpkin pie and Charlize made the apple pecan cobbler all by herself (she even separated the eggs!). You'd think we would have had a lot of leftovers---but not so much!

We also had some intersting table decorations thanks to a couple of creative kids! At least most of us were able to use the china and crystal, something I rarely get to do!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ice Cream Factory

We spent the day in Stowe eating our way through...Cold Hallow Cider, Cabot Cheese, lunch, and of course Ben and Jerry's! Who doesn't love ice cream?!?
Playing before our tour began...
Shark hands...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Playing Outside

So fun just hanging out outside...Beautiful day, wonderful friends, what could be better?!?

Fun at the Teddy Bear Factory

My best friend and family flew out from California on Thursday and we get to spend the next four days with them! So on Friday, our first stop was the teddy bear factory...very fun! We've never actually done the whole build-a-bear thing before so we decided to try it this time!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Massage at the Baby Playgroup

Today we learned about the benefits of baby massage at the Essex baby playgroup...a group we've been to a few times even though it seems a little silly since Carter is a bit too young to "play!" It was fun to learn some of the tricks, and Carter really did seem to enjoy it. As for me, it was nice to have some special "Carter time" since Braden was at Christy's for the day.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Handmade with Love

Our dear family friend Robin Hand (one of my mom's best friends from before I was born) this week sent Carter a handmade quilt made especially to go with his choo-choo train themed room! I can't even imagine the time and effort it takes to hand-make a quilt, and now she's done it twice! Here's Carter with his quilt: Carter's choo-choo train room: ...And Braden and Carter on the quilt she made Braden two years ago:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Train Obsessed...

Scott's mom has given Braden Scott's old Brio train set, a gift that has made Braden happy for hours!!
We have tons of pictures of him playing, but I thought I'd post one I creatively enhanced...enjoy!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Carter's beautiful hand-knit Blanket!!

What a wonderful surprise...Carolyn Cachianes, one of our family's dear long-time friends, sent Carter a BEAUTIFUL crochet blanket she knitted out of super-soft "suede" yarn! We are so overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of such a gift! As you can see, this is quickly becoming one of Carter's favorites, and probably will be for years to come! THANK YOU so much Carolyn, so very very nice of you!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Mandatory New England Fun!

I have to admit, I've been looking forward to this chore for a long time! As a California girl I grew up in perpetual good weather, so as a kid I never got to jump in a pile of was fun for what seemed like hours! One of the greatest things about being in the Air Force is the opportunity to live in so many places and experience so many things...we appreciate and find such joy in even these little things!