Thursday, July 2, 2009


What a big deal...last night Braden slept in his big boy bed for the first time!

About two weeks ago, Scott put together his new bed, basically because I wanted to see how it looked and because Braden's Grandparents bought the mattress (so we had everything we needed then). But no pressure...the goal is just to move the crib to the baby's room by Oct or so, but we know we shouldn't try to make such a big change for Braden right when the baby is born in September. So, Braden has both options in his room, and since we've been back from California he has opted for the crib.
But not last night!! We thought it was just a ploy to stay up late, so we tucked him in his big boy bed at 8:30 fully expecting to be back up in 5-10 min. About 9pm the noise stopped (he was just relaxing and talking to himself), and when we checked again at 10pm he was fast asleep! I didn't hear from him until 7:30 this morning!

I have to admit, I have mixed emotions, very happy last night went so smoothly, but a little baby is growing up!!!

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