Friday, July 31, 2009

Snow Farm Vineyard Concert

Every Thursday evening they have free concerts at Snow Farm Vineyard, so the Carter family and Braden and I decided it was time to check it out. I think the last few Thursdays have been weather canceled, which is probably one of the reasons last night was PACKED, as you can see! Besides great food and music, all the kids just ran around and played games on the lawn. Jamie brought out the parachute, which, as usual, was a huge hit!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Conant's Farm

Today the Richmond playgroup went to Conant's Farm, a local dairy farm here in VT, so we thought we'd check it out. Very interesting learning about how cows are raised and milked, and Braden especially liked the tractor and the mud puddles!

Baby cows less than two weeks old!

The milking room...

I know I know, we've GOT to get rid of this binky!!!! After the baby...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another sandy day

Such a crowded day at the Sand Bar beach...seems like everyone in VT was there! So fun! Braden was very might not even be able to see him in the crowd!

Sandy-face boy

A very sandy, tired, but happy baby in the afternoon...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Blueberry Season

A new experience for us...picking blueberrys! Vermont's all about the organic fresh fruits and veggies, so we thought we'd go to the farm to see what it's all about. Braden actually really enjoyed picking the blueberrys, and he learned quickly that the green ones are yucky!

Must find the perfect ones...gotta be out here somewhere...

A new many blueberrys can I stuff in my mouth at once?!?

Check out our collection!! We filled the whole thing up before we left!

The funny thing is that Braden doesn't actually seem to like blueberrys! He ate tons of them at the farm, but at home (after they're actually washed and put on his plate) he won't touch them! Terrible twos, anyone?!?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rub a dub dub...

...three kids in a tub!! Who would have thought taking a bath could be so much fun!! After an afternoon of playing outside with Stella and Kendall, all the kids desperately needed a bath before dinner, so in they went!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Early Birthday for Braden

Today Braden got his birthday present from Grandma Pat and Grandpa Carl!!

If you can't tell from the video, Braden says Thank you! We'll get lots of use out of the soccer ball and goals this summer I'm sure!

One reason I posted this was for you to see how good his words/talking is getting...looks like I'm going to have to start carrying around the video camera more often!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Playdough party!

Yesterday we went with the playgroup to a play dough party...edible play dough! Shannon found the recipe from Jon & Kate plus 8, and Braden had a great time playing and then eating the dough:) Such a nice group of kids and moms!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Carter's first photo op

3-D video:

Today the Flight Doc hooked us 3-d ultrasound of Carter!!
He is approximately 4lbs 7oz now, has all his fingers and toes, some hair, and is already spectacularly handsome!!
Scott and I agree...looks like Braden!!!

Here he is wiggling his little toes...right by his face!

Can wait to meet this little cutie in person!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Braden's busy weekend

Lunching with the ladies on Saturday...
On Sunday a trip to the Sand Bar Beach for some fun in the sun/sand with friends!
Even sharing the toys with nice when he plays nice!!
On weekends like this when Scott is on alert in the squadron (where he can't leave), we definitely miss him but do our best to have fun with new friends instead. We usually visit him at work when possible...on Sunday afternoon he taught Braden how to eject from a jet--a skill we hope no one in the family ever really needs!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fun Day at Swim Lessons

The last day of swim class was open swim (which is pretty much what we've been doing most days anyway), but this time we went down the water slide...several times! Check out the video :)

***please ignore the large pregnant girl...just wanted to share so you could see how much fun Braden had!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Indoor playtime

Since it was raining yesterday and we had to skip swim lessons, we decided to meet up with Anna and the girls at the indoor play ground at Pizza Putt...pretty fun!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Getting Carter's Room Ready

What a great big brother...and Daddy...Braden is officially done with the crib and so he helped Scott get it set up in the baby's room last weekend!

**note: the room is not finished...still need the final decorative touches, but thought I'd post the status so far :) I still have seven weeks, no rush!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Swim Class

We'll be busy the next few weeks at swim class, loved our first lesson today!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Photographic evidence...there IS a beach in VERMONT!!

Today we woke up to a beautiful sunny day, so we decided to check out the much talked about North Beach (on Lake Champlain)...which, I have to admit, as a California girl, I was skeptical even existed. But, here it is! Very very nice! Perfect for little kids too. I only got a few pictures, and as you can tell, Braden was too busy to stop playing to smile for the camera :)