Monday, March 30, 2020

Home school

School in Florida has been closed (presumably for the rest of the school year), so we are starting on-line distance learning. Carter has daily zoom meetings with his two teachers, and they intend to focus on one subject daily...math, language arts, science and social studies. Stella and Braden's teachers are posting assignments online and available for help when needed. All will get grades for the 4th quarter (3rd quarter ended right before spring break and school closure), so hopefully they will be caught up and ready to proceed for the next school year.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Sunday Norm

Church at home!

Social Distancing Boat Style

Thank goodness for the boat! When all other things are cancelled and closed (including the beaches!), the marina is still open! We feel so fortunate we can get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful day exactly how we would have before the shut downs.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Happy Birthday Grandpa

We've been maintaining distance from Grandma and Grandpa with the threat of coronavirus, but we had to stop by on Grandpa Greg's birthday to give enjoy his cake and give him some birthday love!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Pool Progress

So excited for our new pool!  Today the kids and Scott should have been in Orlando with Bonnie and Mike for Spring Break, but all is cancelled with coronavirus quarantine.  So, now the kids are home staring at the big hole in the ground...hurry up pool!

Future Stinger!!

SO PROUD of Carter!! He was accepted into the STEMM Academy, the best middle school in the state focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medical studies. This school is very difficult to get into, and students accepted must have top FSA scores, grades and teacher recommendations. He had to write an essay and so do we (his parents) for his application. Over 600 letters sent out to potential candidates, approximately 100 students per class. We are so excited for him and the opportunities this school will provide for him for 6th, 7th and 8th grade.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

First Boat of 2020

Perfect boat day! The kids were planning to spend this day with Grammy and Papa at Disney as this week is their Spring Break, so we took advantage of the change of plans and spent the day relaxing on the water. Definitely making lemonade out of lemons!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


SUCH an amazing class trip for Carter and the 5th Grade Young Astronauts Club! Scott volunteered to chaperone, and they both had an amazing time learning all about space in Huntsville, Alabama.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Digging has Begun

Huge crew got all the digging done in ONE Day! All this dirt...a wonderful playground for Stella is LOVES it!