Monday, August 21, 2017

3rd Grade Back to School

Back to school night was a good opportunity to get to know Carter's teachers and some of the expectations of him in 3rd grade. Outside the room were his self portrait and goals: Make a lot of friends 2. Have a lot of people play with me 3. get good grades 4. Have fun! New goals for his parents: work on his spelling and his writing skills! But, love his crazy Mad Scientist!

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Stella's First Day at Crosspoint Academy!

And Preschool has arrived! Stella will be going to Crosspoint Academy three days a week and we are thrill with the church program and her teachers Mrs. Jennifer and Mrs. Jackie! So exciting!

Friday, August 11, 2017


Impossible...I can't be 40!! The dreaded day has arrived, but luckily I have been blessed with such love from my family, it's really not that bad!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

First Day of School

Here come the Seigfried Boys...3rd and 4th Grade!
Carter has Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Casey; Braden has Mrs. Allard and Mrs. Branson---excited for a great school year!