Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Happy Birthday Braden!

Happy 9th birthday to our oldest! Low-key birthday celebration with just the 5 of us...dinner, playstation game, books, and of course, cake!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

First Day of School

We now have 2nd and 3rd graders! Braden wouldn't be in the picture for me, but off they went on Aug 10th! We start school in Florida very early compared to Virgina (which starts in September) but that means that we get more summer next summer! Wonderful, very highly rated new school at Bluewater Elementary, so we're all looking forward to a GREAT year!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Back to School

Met the boys' teachers, got all the school supplies organized, and met some new friends! Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Henrie, watch out, the Seigfried boys are coming!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Scott is HOME!!!

After one VERY long year in Korea, Scott came home! Not to our home in Virginia, but to our NEW home in FLORIDA! While he was gone I moved the house, kids, cats and I into our new home for the big homecoming! Scott got an assignment to Eglin AFB, Florida, so I wanted to get the kids ready and settled in their new home before school starts at their new school. So, August 6th was a BIG homecoming!!