Sunday, June 19, 2016

Welcome Home!

900 mile drive from home to home....the boys were awesome and it was so wonderful to meet Grammy and Pappa and Stella to welcome us! Thank you so much Bonnie and Mike for all your help!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Road Trip

Moving day--drive to Florida! Two kids (Stella went ahead with Grammy and Papa), two cats---you can see Finny!--and a car FULL of stuff! We made it!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Water Country Goodbyes

First day of summer, last day in Virginia, last trip to the Water Country but sad to say goodbye to good friends!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Last Day of School

Last day of school, and LAST day at Dare Elementary. Trying not to be emotional in an empty big house (the movers hauled everything away yesterday---VERY long day), but I thought it would be cute to post some picture of the kids waiting for the bus (I actually took these pictures last week and Stella is already on her way to Florida!). As you can see, Stella has been taking great care of her big brothers and can't wait for school herself!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Move Day

This was one crazy long day...with Scott in Korea, somehow we managed to get all 18,000lbs loaded and shipped to glad this day is over!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Stella on the Road

Grammy and Pappa came to the rescue and helped me tremendously by taking Stella with them to Florida while the boys finished school and I finalized the move out in Virginia. Looks like she definitely enjoyed being spoiled on the road trip with them! Grammy and Pappa had her little reading section all figured out and she was a happy girl!