Monday, April 20, 2015

Flower Time

Love the Spring and love spending some time with my not-so-little baby!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Spring is Here!

Finally warm enough to play outside with a few of our favorite friends!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Community Helper Field Trip Part 1

Fun field trip day with the kindergarteners! First stop: Joe and Mimma's pizza to learn how it's made from beginning to end...yum!

Community Helpers Field Trip Part 2

After the pizza we walked to the post office; the kids had already written letters so the all got stamps and mailed them to learn a bit about how the post office works (should be getting that letter soon!)

Community Helper Field Trip Part 3

Stella and I then followed the bus to the Fire Department for an awesome tour there!

***PS it was also "wacky tacky day" at school so Carter is intentionally wearing mismatched shoes!