Sunday, November 30, 2014

Calvary Lutheran Church

What a beautiful service at Grandpa Greg's wonderful new church!  Definitely his calling to be a pastor!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Saturday afternoon we drove up to Bloomington, Indiana, to see the beautiful city, have a great dinner, and to check out the WonderLab museum for the kids---GREAT fun!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Polar Express in French Lick, Indiana

My Mom got us all tickets to the Polar Express about 45 minutes from their much fun! Extra fun since we all wore our Christmas PJs. Of course we had to watch the movie the night before so we were well aware that the hot-hot-hot hot chocolate would be arriving :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Indiana Thanksgiving!

My Mom and Step-Dad just moved to Bedford, Indiana so my Step-Dad could accept a calling from the Calvary Lutheran Church there. BIG transition moving from California, and it's wonderful to see them happy in their beautiful new home. It's a 10+ hour drive for us, so we left Wednesday and arrived Thanksgiving morning to a wonderful Thanksgiving meal! Thanks Mom!
Stella's first Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Christmas Photos

You'll see these again on our Christmas cards, but had to share the cuteness of my little family!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Soccer Pics

Well, not the professional's pictures, just Mom taking pictures behind him :) Still, cute enough to share!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

9 Months Old

A couple of new developments I want to share this month!
--TWO teeth! Seems like she's been teething forever, so glad we're getting through the teething stage fairly easily!
--FINALLY she will take a bottle of formula! I've been trying to introduce it to her for months---this way, others can feed her!--and for some reason it finally clicked. In fact, I think we're all done with nursing...mixed feelings about that but I know she's got the benefits for so long and this is best for our family. So, yea Stella!