Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hugs Across America

Just thought I'd share the cutest card my Dad and Pat sent for the boys' birthdays--they traced themselves to send them hugs! Love it! Braden was able to read every word on the card out loud and check out his toothless tooth lost on Saturday :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Go Vipers!

Couldn't have picked a better team for Braden, his team name is the Vipers (coincidentally the nickname of the F-16 Scott flies). It's with the Upwards organization, a christian organization which promotes Christian values as well as teamwork. Going to be a great season!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Soccer Season has Started

Braden is in the darker blue---his orange jersey is arriving soon. LOVED his first practice!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Seven Months Old

We now have a crawler, a sitter, and a very good eater! At Stella's 6 month check up a few weeks ago she was 15.6 lbs and 29 inches long---continues to be around the 35 percentile which is perfect. Now that school has started for the boys it's just me and this little love bug during the week days :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

1st Day of School

A little encouragement and reminders while waiting for the bus :)

And they're off!
Home with smiles after a great first day!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Carter's Surprise Birthday Party

So very cool of the Adams and Seigfrieds to do an alligator birthday party for Carter while we up for Labor Day! Very thoughtful and you can tell Carter loved it!