Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Castle Park

Today we joined the Sherwood family for some fun at Castle Park--water slides, mini golf, and amusement rides---great time! So happy Jackie and Billy were able to join us!

Monday, July 28, 2014


OK so bowling may be our new family thing--can't describe how much fun we had with the Sherwoods this afternoon!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sherwood Love

We love them bunches and bunches just like family---SO thrilled to meet the beautiful Sloan Sherwood for the first time!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Stella Meets her California Family!

Pat threw an amazing lunch together and invited over 30 friends and family! It was so wonderful to see my cousins (the Cornwalls and Nighwongers) and also many other wonderful aunts and uncles and friends---not a lot of pictures taken since I was so involved in catching up!
My wonderful Uncle Jim---LOVE him so much!
My beautiful sister-in-law...if you can't tell, my boys (and me too) LOVE her!!
Everyone LOVES Uncle Dave!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Stella Meets her Pappoo for the first time!

What a blessing that my daughter could meet my dad---he's defied all odds and survived 5 years after an extreme cancer surgery and treatment---just so grateful he is still healthy and happy!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

First Food!

Hmm...all messiness aside, Stella LOVES food and I just started giving her different things twice a day...can't find something she doesn't like!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Air and Space Museum

Air Force Memorial

The United States Air Force Memorial honors the service and sacrifices of the men and women of the United States Air Force...a must for us to visit!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Family Trip to DC

We all took a trip to the National Mall, where we could see the Capital, the White House, the National Monument, the WWII Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. Beautiful day!

Billy and Stella's first Metro ride!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Vacation Bible School 2104

This year's theme was "Where God Guides and Provides, the Holy Land Adventure 2014." Children learn to trust God as they join Moses on the incredible journey through the wilderness and discover what it was like to live in the Israelite camp.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cousins Adventure to the Water Park

The babies did great at Water Country USA, and Jackie and I even took them on the "big daddy falls"...quite an adventure for us!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cousins Swimming

Love our community pool and Billy and Stella do too! Whenever we have a chance we go, and it was fun to have Jackie and Billy there with us!

Downtown Yorktown

After the boys' Bible School we had a wonderful lunch and showed Jackie and Billy the beautiful Yorktown waterfront.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Stella Meets Auntie and Cousin Billy

Can't describe how wonderful it is to have my sister here, but it's been simply fantastic and she really is my best friend and such a wonderful Mother--so beautiful to see!

Love my nephew!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Pirate Training

Both boys loved pirate training this year! "All pirates attending the camp of training will participate in a host of daily activities designed to let you experience the life of a colonial Pirate. As new crew members ye will be divided up into four watches according to age and experience. The old salts will show ye the ropes and learn ye about the jobs aboard the ship. Activities will change each day and will build up yer skills so as to make ye ready to conduct a pirate treasure hunt and defend yerself from a pirate raid on the last day of camp. "

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Water Country USA

I did it! I took all three kids to the water park by myself! The boys had to stick to rides they do on their own or things I could take Stella to do...but after 4 hours, I'll have to say we all had a good time!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Stella Grace is 5 Months Old

One of my favorite ages, 5 months old! She rolls over, smiles, makes all kinds of cute sounds, grabs her hands, feet and anything in front of her! She's already had a lot of firsts: 1st plane ride (to Florida), 1st swim in the pool, 1st tastes of food (little crackers, even ice cream!), 1st boat ride, 1st beach, 1st amusement park (water park with the boys), 1st "day care" (in the gym when I can go work out)---in general, she's learning and exploring everything she can!