Monday, April 28, 2014

Norfolk Zoo

Zoo field trip for Carter's class today! We stuck with the Bates mostly and Stella loved being pushed around in her stroller :)
Carter with his teachers on the "terrific turtle" being camera shy
                                                   Silly me in the homo sapien cage!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

Beautiful and blessed Easter day...lots of fun in the morning with the Easter baskets (thank you to Grammoo and Gramma Seigfried and Grandma Linda for your gifts) followed by a lovely church service and then ham, mashed potatoes, cheese broccoli lunch/dinner at home--perfect day!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Egg Hunt

Fun day at Braden's school--both kindergarten classes participated in the Easter egg hunt, and then they had classroom parties where they made bunny projects. You can see Carter can't wait for kindergarten next year!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter Party

Easter egg hunt followed by Carter's class cute!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Girls Day

My roommate from South Carolina (9 years ago) was in town so we spent the day with her...lunch with the girls, then to our house to show her around and introduce her to the boys! So awesome that, in the Air Force, only a matter of time before old friends reunite!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Soft stick lacrosse has started and every Friday at 6pm Braden gets to learn the fundamentals..a bit hesitant at first but played the whole time this week! Since his daddy was captain of the lacrosse team at the Air Force Academy, it's kind of important that he learns to play :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

2 Months Old!

At Stella's 2 month baby well check, she was a whopping 9lbs 14 oz---so, she's gained almost exactly 3 lbs since birth, right on target. Only two ity bitty ounces more and you'll be 10 lbs...isn't that when they are supposed to sleep through the night?!?