Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Any Day Now Stella Grace

Today I am 38 weeks and ready for Stella Grace any day! I documented a few things about this time with Carter four years ago, so here’s where I am today:
Total Weight Gained: 25 lbs (less than the other two, though I started out a bit heavier this time)
Movement: most of the daytime she is pretty still, but in the evening she rock and rolls! I found out last week that baby girl is breech, which is actually heartbreaking to me. I have been doing everything I can to get her to move--prenatal yoga, chiropractor appointments, stretches and exercises--but still breech. I desperately don’t want to have a C-section, which is scheduled for one week from today (Feb 4th) but I realize that the ultimate goal is a healthy happy baby, so if she doesn’t move to head down that’s what’s going to happen. I am worried about the longer recovery, but I’m also worried about doing a C-section so early (as they want to do one week before my due date of Feb 11th to avoid having to do the surgery after labor has started). I have an appointment tomorrow to see about the possibility of doing an external version to move her, so we’ll see what comes of that. For the past 4 weeks I have gone to the doctor twice a week for non-stress tests (essentially heart rate monitoring because my age and weight); it has been time consuming but still reassuring and nice to relax and hear her strong heartbeat for 20+ minutes each time.
Food: Mexican food all the way! Honestly, Scott and the boys are so sick of Mexican food by now, and every time I go to the restaurant down the road I order enchiladas rancheros, I don’t know why I even bother asking I should just say “the usual!”
Sleep: I’m reading my entry from 4 years ago with Carter and remembering how tired I was then, but honestly I think I’ve been even MORE tired with this one! I think since I’m a bit older now the waking up several times a night has taken it’s toll…if at all possible, I take a nap every day (or wish I could).
How I’m feeling: Overall, pretty good! I am so extremely excited to meet my new daughter, I can hardly stand it! I have to consciously try to think about other things so as not to drive myself and everyone else in the house crazy! My back was hurting quite a bit and Scott bought me a heating pad, which really helped. Also, since I've been seeing the chiropractor (who wants me to stop using the heating pad) I have felt tremendously better---wish I would have gone to see him weeks ago! The heartburn has been atrocious, but last week the doctor prescribed a medication that has worked wonders, I also wish I would have asked sooner for that one too!
What I’m looking forward to: Obviously meeting my "mini me", my new best friend for life! I'm sure she'll be as different from me as possible and as difficult as both of the boys combined, but I'm so excited to meet her anyway!
What I’m not looking forward to: Different from my other two births, if I have to have a C-section I am dreading the recovery and the idea of being so helpless for so long. I'm worried about not being able to pick her up or hug the boys or even climb up and down the stairs. I don't want to focus on this one too long because it just makes me upset and I know I'll be fine and whatever happens in the next week or two will be so worth it when baby girl arrives!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Jumping into the New Year

One of the best presents from Santa was a trampoline, and once the rain stopped and we had some time to put it together, it became a quick favorite!