Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tooth Fairy Time

***Additional note: Braden pulled out the second bottom tooth on December 11th because he wanted another $5 to add to his savings to spend after Christmas! The first one took forever to come out because he was afraid of it hurting, but the second was not a problem!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Royal Thanksgiving

Wonderful Thanksgiving at our long time friends the Royals, love our Air Force family! Peggy went over the top with all the food and we had a wonderful time eating and catching up all day. As you can see, Chief Swimming Shark and Chief Carter made an appearance, and they loved the attention from all the high school girls!

2nd Annual Thanksgiving Flag Football Game

Before our Thanksgiving feast at our friend's house, Scott participated in what's now becoming a traditional game of F-22 guys VS former Viper (F-16) guys--needless to say, the F-16 guys won! Of course, none of us are getting any younger, so I heard a few complains about sore muscles!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Preschool Gobble Gobble

Fun Thanksgiving celebration at Carter's school today! As always, the teachers went over the top with the cutest artwork and keepsakes from the kids. Carter is the one in red in the middle of the group...gobble gobble!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

All Smiles

Daddy's back from his work trip, which means smiling boys and smiling pancakes!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our Latest Family Tree

Braden brought home a family tree he made in school that baby sister is already included and so funny that she has yellow eyes---since we haven't seen hers yet!--and that she's almost as tall as me! I think everyone in our house is excited for February!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Pretty Little Girl

I had another ultrasound today, and the tech switched to 3D to get a glimpse of her face....already so pretty, don't you think!?!? Everything looks great, right now she weighs in at 2 lbs and 8 oz--right on track for 28 weeks. CAN'T wait to meet her!!!!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Kindergarten Photo

Could be worse I guess! This is his "fine, I'll smile for a picture for you, but it's not especially fun so I can't make it a real smile" look. Oh well, I love him to pieces anyway and am always a bit shocked when I see a picture like this a realize how much he really is growing up (so fast!)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Preschool Pictures

Wow...can't believe how old Carter looks...Still, he is my baby!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Election Day

No school in York county for elections, so we got a few of the boys together for a lunch play date.