Monday, September 30, 2013

Lots of Candles

Happy Birthday Scott! The boys helped me make a cake with a LOT of candles, so after a nice dinner at Texas Road House we came home to celebrate!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Testing out the Baby Gear

Finny seems to like the new baby bouncer, so hopefully baby girl will too!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Paint Party

a bunch of ladies in my neighborhood meet up every month or so for paint parties, where a professional comes and gives us instructions and we paint a picture. Mostly just a lot of fun to get together and a wonderful opportunity for me to me meet my new neighbors, but I thought I'd share my masterpiece with you:

Monday, September 16, 2013

The Adventures of Telly

Probably because it's Carter's birthday weekend, he was chosen as the the first student to take home the beloved class pet, Telly. What an honor, believe me! He cherished having Telly with us and didn't let Telly out of his sight. Even at 6am when Carter wandered into our bed, Telly was with him! The class has a book about the Telly's adventures, so below is Telly's entry on his weekend with us:

"I had such a great weekend with the Seigfrieds! Carter’s Grandma and Grandpa flew in from California for their first visit since the family moved to Yorktown this summer, so I joined them on Saturday for a fun day at Busch Gardens! It was a beautiful day and we did lots of great things. I especially enjoyed Sesame place and riding the Prince Elmo’s Spire ride with Carter’s big brother Braden.
This weekend was the beginning of the Halloween festivities at Busch Garden, but Carter made sure to keep me away from anything too scary!
On Sunday after church we took Grandma and Grandpa to lunch in historic Yorktown along the waterfront and then joined them at the pool and playground where they were staying. Carter didn’t want to get me dirty or wet, so I stayed on the sidelines. I can tell Carter really loves his family and they really really love him too! I had such a good time with Carter and his family and can’t wait to come back again. Carter took very good care of me and always had me by his side. I got to do all the fun things he did and he made sure I was tucked in safe and sound every night. Thank you Carter, I love you!"

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bigger Car for a Growing Family

Well, the day has come to part with my beloved Lexus RX 330, but please, don't feel too sorry for me since we just bought a beautiful GMC Acadia! It is absolutely fantastic, everyone loves it, and I know we'll be traveling the next several years in style, comfort and safety!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Three separate looks (and second ultrasound confirming the same thing)---we're having a GIRL!!! I can't tell you how very excited we are to be getting a baby daughter/sister! Such a new adventure for our family! Since Aug 15th (my first ultrasound) I started buying adorable pink fun for me after six years of buying blue! My best friend is also having a girl and gave me a whole duffel bag of clothes she wasn't going to use--so, baby girl Seigfried is really off to a great start!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Terrific Turtles

Today we went to Carter's preschool orientation for his 4-year old class called the "Terrific Turtles" and got to meet both his wonderful teachers, Mrs. Mazzuchi and Mrs. Stoufer. We (both) love them immediately. He will be one of the youngest in the class---the cut-off for turning four is September 30th--so Carter makes it by 14 days, but I'm confident he will thrive there! They are very academically focused, which is great because Carter is so excited to learn and does so very quickly (and already knows so many preschool tasks). We're very excited to watch him learn and grow this year!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

My Little Animal Lover

Today Carter was my big helper taking Finnigan to his first appointment and spent much of the rest of the day taking care of him after his shots...of all of us, Carter is our biggest animal lover, so cute!