Saturday, July 27, 2013

Seigfried Tree Service

Our new backyard was kind of like an enchanted forest with moss and trees and twigs everywhere, which is fun for little boys exploring but not great for kicking the ball around or possibly putting up a swingset. We're still going to need a professional tree service for a few of the larger ones, but Scott has now taken down about six! Timber!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Big Brothers....

11 weeks today, so I thought I'd share the exciting news---sometime in February 2014 Braden and Carter are going to be Big Brothers!!!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Our Community Pool

Here in Virginia every day seems like a pool day! We can literally walk to it from our house, so they boys and I have been spending lots of time there over the past several weeks, which is a great way to cool down and meet some nice neighbors! They have a lifeguard (hence Braden w/ the life preserver) and one of our favorites is now our babysitter for the summer! Awesome!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pirate Training Camp

The Waterman's Museum in downtown Yorktown, VA, has an awesome week-long Pirate training camp, where elementary aged kids get to learn all about being pirates! They do tons of games and crafts all week, and Braden absolutely LOVED it!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Soccer Camp

I had both boys signed up for a week long soccer camp, Carter's first sports camp, thinking it would be great fun. Not sure if it was the extremely hot weather or the newness of it all, but neither wanted anything to do with it. Maybe soccer just isn't their thing? Hopefully not true, we'll have to give it another try in the fall. I did manage to get a few cute pics of Carter before he decided he wasn't up for participating...

Friday, July 5, 2013

Adams Resort and Spa

From our new house we're less than 200 miles from the Adams family--the closest we've ever lived to them! The boys had a sleep over with their cousins July 5th and we spent the whole next day playing in their pool and enjoying their company. Hopefully the sign of many more similar days with them to come!