Sunday, November 25, 2012

Tree Decorating

Decoratated the tree this year right at Thanksgiving--always fun and much easier w/ the help of the Seigfrieds!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving Dinner

Wonderful week spent with Scott's parents, and FANTASTIC Thanksgiving dinner---have to admit I didn't cook a thing; I already knew how amazing Bonnie and Mike's turkey dinners could be :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Music Class

Braden has a wonderful music class he's been taking every Monday afternoon; they do all kinds of things from playing to dancing to rhythm with instruments; I got a few pictures from this Monday's class at the end...hard to capture the fun and the learning, but here's an idea:

Happy Thanksgiving from Braden

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Putting the Boys to Work

Seriously their idea...let's wash Mommy and Daddy's cars! Lots of fun, the cutest but not necessarily the best car washes we've had!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Braden's Soccer Team Photo

Soccer season is now over and I finally got a chance to scan his team photo! Overall, it was a great season and a wonderful way to expose both Braden and Carter to organized team sports, since I'm sure the next several years we will be participating in a LOT!