Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Festivals

Tons of Fall Fests in Alabama! We went to one at Braden's school, one Scott's school put together, and one at the church! The boys had a great time at all and I can definitely tell you we got our money's worth out of their costumes this year!
 "Trunk or Treating":

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Super Hero Pictures

My photographer friend is starting up her business again, so we did a little mini session for Halloween with the boys. Hopefully the link below will work for you!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference

This week is parent teacher conference week at Braden's school, and I'm happy to report he is really thriving there! I'm constantly impressed that he will say things like "Mommy, ten take away seven is three!"...pretty good math skills for a 5 year old! He's also very interested in learning to read, and I wouldn't be surprised if he will be able to read his own bedtime stories by the end of this school year! Here he is with his lovely teacher Mrs. Dawn....he ADORES her!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MOPS Fiesta Table

All teams decorated tables for our Mothers of Preschoolers group, and our was Fiesta...and, I'm posting because I actually won the prize for best breakfast! Can't even believe it :) Breakfast burritos (recipe from a friend), very fun group!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Carter's Art Class

Since Carter loved his art birthday party, we decided to sign him up for the after school art class that meets on Mondays. He's the youngest kid in the class but he really does seem to love it!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Carter's Stats

Carter's 3 year old well-child visit went really well today...I'm posting his stats mostly for the family but also because I may lose this piece of paper! He's at 39.75" (90th percentile!) and 29.2 lbs (only the 21%). Very very healthy, great eyesight, just tall and thin, like I USED to be :)
Love this little love bug!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Grandma Linda and Grandpa Greg

I didn't schedule as many kid activities on this trip to California, so I have fewer pictures than usual, but we had just as much fun! On Monday we met my Mom and Greg after her radiation appointment for lunch and a trip to the park...wonderful! And, we all LOVE LOVE LOVE her new puppy, Sophie!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Lia Sophia displays!

I took a picture of my tables at both Jackie's and Michelle' you can see, my collection has grown! And, with my rewards for Excellent Beginnings, I STILL have $400 worth of free jewelry coming my way! Yipee!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Party at the Sherwood's

My best friend threw a Lia Sophia party for me, which was so much fun for all of us! I got to see some wonderful friends and these two amazing them! As you can tell, Braden and Carter always have a blast hanging out the Charlie and Wyatt!
Dinner included name this girl and it's so amusing how the boys just follow her lead---she's very smart and creative like her Mommy :)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Grammoo and Pappoo's

The boys had so much fun with my wonderful Dad and step-Mom during the time we were there, and Pat is so creative! The morning we woke up she made spider and spiderweb pancakes (in honor of Halloween)--so cute! While I was doing my jewelry party at my sister's, the boys got to go the the park, the beach, and hang out with Uncle Matt and Uncle Dave, they absolutely loved it!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Kelly

Braden's new "bestest best friend" is Kelly Mizell (in the blue), which is awesome because we're such great friends with his parents. Kelly had a great 6th birthday party on Sunday and Braden had a blast jumping in the the pouring rain! Hence the towel and soaking wet hair!