Sunday, August 26, 2012

Dragon Boat Races

Every year Montgomery hosts a Dragon Boat Race and Festival, where over 70 teams (20 people each) race in support of local charities. The Air Command and Staff College (which Scott is attending) had two boats this year, and Scott was on one of them! The boys and I went down to the Riverfront and joined the festivities and cheered him on!
Scott's on boat #4 in the gray hat...go ACSC!
Super fun kids area too!
Braden is proud of Daddy's 2nd place medal win!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

5 Year Check Up

On Friday Braden had his 5-year old well child appointment, so I thought I'd give the stats (especially for the grandparents who read this and also in case I lose the paper it's on!). Anyway, Braden is now a whopping 43 1/2 inches tall (63rd percentile), and 39 lbs, 8 oz (44th percentile). Eyesight 20/20, and was a trooper getting the FOUR shots he had to get! The boys were being so wild that day (and the appointment took so very long) but the doctor wasn't fazed...just let boys be boys!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Carter's Preschool Orientation

Today we met Carter's preschool teachers and had an orientation meeting, Carter decided to give his new teacher, Ms. Jennifer, a hug! Hopefully, good sign for the year!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Braden's 5th Birthday Party

A few of the parents (and our friends) hanging out after the events:
We had such a great group (pictured here also but many more that weren't)...Air Force friends, new friends from the neighborhood, new friends from Braden's school--we feel so lucky and Braden had a FANTASTIC birthday!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Soccer Evaluations

For the soccer league Braden is playing in this fall, he had "evaluations" on Thursday...running through drills to test his skills. He had a lot of fun but "skills?!?"...not so much. That's why he's learning to play soccer!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Montgomery Zoo

Set a play date today with a couple of friends and their kids at the Montgomery Zoo...great day for the zoo, and we now have a membership so I think we'll be coming back!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Exercising Our Toys

Had a great playdate with our new friend Kelly, Grant Mizell's (one of my best friends from high school)'s wonderful son. I think in the few hours he was here we explored so many toys we forgot we even had!!