Thursday, July 26, 2012

Braden's Boo Boo

On Thursday we decided to meet friends at our community pool, and things were fine until Braden decided to do a "twist-turn" into the pool....hitting his chin and earning himself a big gash! So, I immediately left for the urgent care, bathing suit and all!...and he ended up getting 4 stitches! I think we'll all take it as "lesson learned" in several aspects, and hopefully once the Doctor gives the OK we'll be back at the pool...CAREFULLY!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Big Green Bus

The preschools here in Montgomery host "the big green bus," a gymnastics studio on wheels, and Braden got to try it out for the first time today! Such a cool idea, and I'm happy that the big green bus will be traveling to both boys' schools every week this next school year!

**PS. Yes, this summer program is kinda like a "free for all", which of course is tons of fun, but I understand it's a structured 'training' program in the fall so the kids will be learning actual gymnastic skills in a class setting then :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Checking out the City!

This weekend we wanted to just 'check out the city'...meaning, we had a great lunch downtown, got our annual pass to the zoo, and took a look at the Riverfront area...definitely coming back when the city hosts their family day in a few weeks!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Hampstead Montessori

We enrolled Braden in the summer morning program at his new school so he can start making friends and get use to the new environment...after his first morning today, he said he loved it! Yea!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweet Home!

FIRST time seeing the new house...we literally rented it on a recommendation from a friend! Exciting...

The house is coming together, and we all love it! The boys especially love the community pool, the playroom/bunk bed room, and the backyard! Scott and I love the big bedroom and huge walk-in closet (not pictured), and of course the community with tons of Air Force friends!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Deer Creek Pool

One of the things the boys like best about Alabama is our community pool, which also has a splash pad, kiddie pool, and playground! We've already met friends their twice and I think we'll be regulars there this summer!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Vacation Bible School

I was so excited that Braden was finally old enough for Vacation Bible school, so I signed him up thinking it would be the perfect way to get him involved in Alabama during the week we were moving in and have some fun while we were setting up the house. I think overall he really liked it but he was a little hesitant to participate and I'm sure it just had to do with the all the changes (the program at the church was fantastic!). We'll definitely sign him up again next year!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th!

WONDERFUL Independence day celebrated with our family at the Adams'! After a day of swimming and barbecuing, Uncle Casey ran the show with an amazing array of fireworks out front...really, the kids and I agree, spectacular!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

"Old" Friends

My dear friend Chrissy (my Academy roommate and roommate as Lieutenants in Arizona) lives a few miles from my Sister-in-law Amy, so it was awesome that I got a chance to go visit with her and her beautiful family when we were there!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3rd of July

Spend the day with the Adams and Seigfrieds in the Adams' pool...SO much fun!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


On our drive south to Alabama we had to stop at the Knowles'...Scott's best friend since 3rd grade! Such a lovely family!