Friday, June 29, 2012

Fini Flight

Scott's "fini flight" was a lot of fun...the guys tied him to the rail on the jet, Braden and Carter sprayed him with water, a choice few of us sprayed champagne on him, and finally, he got hosed down by the fire fighters!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet Home Alabama Farewell

Unlike with active duty squadrons, where most of my friends were military, in Vermont most of my friends were moms I met around the city at playgroups, etc. So, we wanted to do a going-away party to celebrate with them! Perfect day for a barbecue and outdoor fun for the kids!
Really going to miss this great group of ladies!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Graduation Picnic for the Green Mountain Montessori

Today was Braden's last day of school, and they had a picnic lunch and graduation party to celebrate. Braden gave both of his teachers a little gift, and I was teary-eyed to say goodbye.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lawn Duty

I think our new backyard in Alabama will be nice, but nothing compared to the size of the one we have here in Vermont! The boys (and Daddy) haven't seemed to mind all the time it take to mow it, though!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Carters' "Vacation" Home

This weekend, our best friends in Vermont moved to Huntington, and their backyard literally has a creek! Seriously, the kids spent 4 hours just playing in it...they were in heaven!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Green Mountain Boys Farewell

Great farewell party with our friends and squadron mates and families, the pilots from the 134th fighter squadron here in Vermont. Awesome going-away gifts from an awesome operational squadron, a tail fin AND plaque! It was great fun but a little sad because we love Vermont so much!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


I guess one of the after school teachers thought it would be fun to paint everyone's nails, boys and all! Braden loves it, and I do have to admit it's cute, so I guess this will be his look for the next couple of days! 

Daddy's not a big fan, but hasn't demanded nail polish remover quite yet, so a day or so is fine :) When I picked up Braden today I had to note that most of the kids, girls AND boys, still had their colorful decorations!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Gooey goodness...not exactly sure what the project was at Christy's today, but Carter seemed to be having fun!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Starting our Goodbyes...

Moving is bittersweet...looking forward to new adventures in Alabama, but how are we going to replace our favorite babysitters???

Monday, June 4, 2012

Brothers Share

Checking on the boys this morning, not only have they decided that they prefer to sleep in Braden's big boy bed together, apparently they only need one pillow!

"OK Ok Mom, stop taking pictures I'm trying to sleep here!"

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Regal Gym now Opens in Essex

So, the boys and I went to the open house at Regal Gymnastics now two miles from our house, and it was AWESOME!! Not only was the open gym so much bigger and so creatively done, but they have a whole room "pretend city-like" place for little kids to navigate...why oh why do places like this open merely WEEKS before we're moving!?!?!