Saturday, March 31, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt 2012

As usual, the Essex Junction Easter Egg hunt was tons of fun, and even though it was over super quickly, it was nice to see friends and, of course, get candy!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Michelle's Wedding

This weekend Carter and I flew to California to attend my best friend, Michelle's, wedding. What an awesome reunion between four friends since sixth grade and earlier!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grandparent Time

While I was doing Bridesmaid duties w/ my best friend, Granmoo and Pappoo took Carter Friday and Saturday. As you can see, he's definitely an animal lover, and Lucy (their poodle) didn't mind Carter "sharing" his cars with her :)
And he loves his Uncle Matt, too!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Parents' Day

While Carter and I were in California, Scott and Braden stayed in Vermont, and Scott participated in Saturday's Parents' Day at school; a day where the students teach their parents how to do some of their favorite activities! Fun!

Seriously, I know I'm biased, but how can you not be impressed with a four-year old arranging numbers 1-100?!?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Saint Pattys

Celebrated the morning at the MOPS carnival, Irish lunch with the Carter's at Cody's Irish pub, and all afternoon outside! Fantastic day!
Even I got my face painted!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Open Gym

We haven't been going to Saturday's open gym because of Braden's ski class, but unfortunately Braden's having a hard time wanting to go (too cold, ski boots hurt), so I think we'll give it up for the season :( Oh well, maybe when he's a bit older. Anyway, found myself with an open Saturday, so off to Maple Street park w/ the boys to burn some energy!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Winter Festival

Ben and Jerry's hosted their annual winter festival, so after lunch in Stowe we stopped by for some treats, and tasted their newest ice cream...yum!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


The last week in February was Braden's winter break from school, and we had a great week with Gramma Seigfried, who came out to help me with the boys! I feel so bad I didn't get many pictures, the boys had such a great time playing with her, and we spent a lot of time going through things and getting ready for our upcoming move! Thank you so much for your help this week! One of our lunch dates was at Friendlys, and the boys loved their ice cream treats at the end of the meal!