Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daddy's finally Home

Scott spent 3+ weeks in Hawaii with his squadron flying with the F-22s stationed there, which was an awesome trip for him! We carried on our usual routine, but of course missed him a lot and were so very excited for his return! The aircraft bringing them home broke, five days after expected, he finally arrived!! Two very happy boys and one happy wife!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Little Jail Birds

Seriously, these boys will do anything to avoid going to bed! Last night, maybe it was the sugar (?) They were outside their rooms making demands and I told them they looked like jail birds, and they were more than happy to pose for me (thinking I might forget it was bedtime?). Silly boys!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Happy Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all! Although we miss Scott (who is TDY to Hawaii right now...I know, tough life!) we had a such a great day :) The boys got cards, boxes and gifts from all their grandparents, so we had a day of treats!
In the morning we opened the box from Grammoo and Pappoo:

Seriously, they had address labels made from "Grammoo and Pappoo"...too cute!
After trading valentines cards at school and little party at Christy's, the boys opened the box from Grandma Linda and Grandpa Greg:

...And, I got beautiful flowers from the hubby! I think we did pretty good today, wouldn't you say?!?

Friday, February 10, 2012

International Day

Braden and I have been putting in a lot of time getting ready for International Day today...Braden's country is Japan! I chose Japan because we have friends stationed there and because Scott bought Braden a karate outfit when he was there TDY (Braden didn't want to wear it so we just hung it up). We both had a lot of fun learning about the country and putting together his display...poster, sushi, and origami!

We've been working on our origami designs for the past few nights...even beginner origami isn't all that easy!

The best part was tasting foods from all over the world...
Braden's international lunch with his buddies:
Here is Japan...
...And here is Vermont!
Smart Kid!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Backyard Zoo

I know you in California probably won't believe me, but these were taken from our back deck! Over the past couple of years, we've seen deer, wild turkey, hedge hogs, squirrels, rabbits, snakes, mice, raccoons...a regular New England forest! This is what I saw last night looking out my back window:

As always, by the time I get my camera the best shots are gone, but I think there were five at one point!