Monday, January 16, 2012


Braden's class put on the CUTEST program to celebrate Martin Luther King day at school! I'll work on getting the video to post...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Birthday Party at Regal Gymnastics

After ski class I took Braden to his new best friend, Rory's, 5th birthday party at the gymnastics studio. Rory invited most of their class at the Montessori (so cute how they sit down so nicely together!);they all had a great afternoon running around playing on all the fun equipment. Great place for a birthday party!
Braden is on the far right:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Every other Tuesday morning Carter and I go to Burlington's Mothers of Preschool group...I love it and look forward to going and spending time with my mom-friends :) A couple of times a year they ask us to work MOPPETS downstairs watching the I was in the three year old room and Carter loved being with the big kids!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Braden's first Ski Lesson

GREAT program at Bolton Valley...every Saturday they have a 2.5 hr class just for four-year olds who are new to skiing...the teachers know how to make it fun and and really relate their level. Great excuse for Scott and/or I to catch a few hours of skiing ourselves :)

Carter and I had fun hanging out in the snow...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

How Quickly they Grow!

Had the Carter girls over the other that everyone is in school, we miss them and don't get to see them as often as we'd like. We've all been friends for three years now...we'll really miss them when we move this summer!

Circa 2009....before Carter!