Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lawrence Welk Resort

After the Thanksgiving weekend we went to a two bedroom time share in northern San Diego to be close to San Diego activities and to have a mini vacation with my best friend and family and my mom and was awesome! The resort was beautiful, lots of space and a great kitchen, and the kids had a blast at the pools, park, splash park, and just hanging out with everyone! Here's the first night...Braden's first sleep over...amazing anyone got any sleep!
Best buds:
The resort has an really nice restaurant and great theater...on Tues we went to the ventriloquist show w/ Kevin Johnson (from America's got Talent):
The kids loved the birds!
Jackie came down on Wednesday and joined us for a day at the pool!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


We had a great Thanksgiving at my Dad and Pat's new home with a great group of people...Jackie and Bill, Mom and Greg, Aunt Kari and Uncle Roy, and Uncle Ken. We ate Dad's fabulous turkey and had a great time catching up while the boys played with their grandparents :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving at School

Today Braden's school hosted a Thanksgiving feast for the students and parents, and I made one of the three turkeys (it was great...with Scott's help, of course!). It was fun for the kids to have us there and a nice way to start the holiday break!

Rory and Braden...trouble for sure!

Me and my little turkey:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

Today Scott and I met with Braden's teachers to discuss his progress, and I'm happy to report he is doing great! At the Montessori school they are invited to do activities that focus on language, practical life, math, art, spatial and sensory tasks, and much more. The teachers take pictures for us of them doing some of the activities and shared with us today. Good job Braden!
Here he's pen punching numbers and letters:
Building a tower:
Rice activity:
Building a globe:
Writing letters in red sparkly sand:
Clean up!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bye Bye Statler Street!

It's official...we no longer own our first house together! This is such a great thing...we've been renting it out for the last two years and it's value has dropped so much in this market, we've been losing money every month. Although this is happy news, I can't help but think of it fondly...moved there three months after our wedding, lots of trips to Home Depot working to make it our HOME together, great memories. It's the house we brought our baby home will always hold a special place in our hearts :)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Today at MOPS the discussion was about creative ways to play with our children, and I have to admit I'm am the least bit crafty, and wish I was! So, taking the lesson home I thought it would be fun to make puppets with the much fun! The hour before dinner was so much more pleasant then normal, I think I need to keep this up!

My Love bug:

Braden's "Transformer":
Our finished puppets!