Thursday, July 28, 2011


Braden and his friends at Christy's with the tie-dye shirts they made! Fun!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sand Bar

Great group of friends and kids on Fridays at Sand Bar beach...Jenn named it "Champagne Friday"....Moms relax and catch up and the kids play and play! Awesome!

Time to go home Carter!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Intervale

We joined a crop share this year at the Intervale Farm, which means we go every Monday to collect fresh, organic veggies, fruit and flowers. Awesome! In addition, it's an excuse for a playdate...the boys love spending hours on the farm and playing with all the kids (and us moms love to hang out and stay connected during the summer!)

Fresh homemade bread...our name is definitely on one of those!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beach Day!

Finally...lake beaches are now open (with all the rains, the beaches were flooded through June), so today we finally made it out! We'll definitely go as many days as possible through the season!
Braden and his girlfriends:

This is actually from the next day...seriously, we're going to the "beach" a lot while we still can!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Great Backyard

Braden's New Truck

Because Braden was being very good and his birthday is coming up, Gramma and Papa took him to Toys R Us and bought him a new truck! Here he's helping to put it together:

It even has it's own parking space!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Build and Grow

On Saturday Lowes was doing a tow truck for their Build and Grow program, so everyone took Braden over to do it. He had lots of fun and this is now one of his favorite new toys.

Also, a few weeks ago Braden got to do two more Build and Grow projects with Grammoo...including a helicopter! Really fun projects and a great activity for Braden:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Clay Island

Bonnie and Mike have great friends who live in Bolton Landing on Lake George, so we went to visit them for the day. We had a wonderful time with them and the boys loved playing outside in their wonderful backyard (with an awesome view of the Sagamore Resort!!) Here's Braden zip-lining:

The owner of the Sagamore (and Dusty's friend) just happened to be buying a $2M seaplane that day, so Dusty took Braden over to check it out...Braden approved :)

Total cuteness on the hammock!
I think we need a hammock...Baby Carter fell asleep right away!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Great Escape and Splash Water Kingdom, NY

Gramma, Pappa,Scott and I took the boys to the Great Escape near Lake George, NY, for the first time on Thursday...what an awesome park! In the morning we did all the rides the boys could go on, and in the afternoon we went to the water park's really two parks in one!!

Braden did all the slides the park would let him by himself...fearless!

Tired baby literally fell asleep in the swing!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Enjoyed the fourth this year again at Maple Street Park with the Seigfrieds...and this time with Scott! Again, Braden had to have a jet face painting:
Carter got stars but wasn't so happy about it!
The boys had light sabres made out of balloons:
A bunch of bounce houses and obstacle courses:

They both love the swings!
Waiting for the fireworks...a great show! As you can see, everyone in town knows this, the park was PACKED!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Gardening Time

Decided to plant some flowers to make the house pretty for the summer...the boys were very helpful!

Helping Daddy mulch!
Actually, it's more fun to play hop scotch on the bags!