Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sports and Fitness Edge

Trying to spend as much time as I can at the gym lately...which means Braden and Carter are too! Here they are w/ two of their favorite caregivers, Ms. Mary and Ms. them!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Surprises

We let the boys open their Valentine's presents today so they could spend the day playing with them!
Fun presents from Grammoo and Pappoo!

Carter immediately found the chocolate...
Lots of fun stuff!
I do believe it's going to be true...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Carter's VERY OWN Playgroup

Of course Carter gets to do a lot of things with Braden, but when a brand new playgroup opened up at Summit Street Elementary, we most definitely wanted to join! Even though Braden is at Christy's on Wed (which makes Wednesday my errand day), this is going to be a great way to spend special "Carter time!"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stinky Time

Daddy promised Braden a "Stinky the Garbage truck" when he was successfully potty trained...kind of appropriate, in a way! he got it!
Too busy to talk to me, but he does love this silly thing!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Grocery Shopping Paradise

Some may disagree, but I do NOT think grocery shopping is fun with two little fact, I usually avoid it at all costs! But, today we went to the Price Chopper in Shelburne, although 20 mins away, it was definitely worth it! They have a supervised playroom that you can leave kids in...potty trained kids only...while you shop!

Yet another benefit to potty training! Braden loved it, and Carter and I spent at least an hour leisurely shopping, a dreaded chore made fun!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Wonderland

SO much snow lately, Wednesday all the schools were closed (as was the mall and many of the stores) so it was a stay at home day for us. Luckily, the storm broke just long enough for Braden to play...
My little angel:
Seriously, too much snow for sledding:
The long driveway was perfect for a little sledding!

Sorry no Carter pictures, it just too cold for him to be outside right now!