Friday, December 31, 2010

This one's for you, Dad

Happy New Year! Most of us probably don't have a lot of childhood memories of New Year's Eve, but I remember fondly staying at my Dad's, watching movies, and then going out to bang pots and pans together before bed to celebrate the new year (probably at 9 vs midnight!). So, tonight I thought we should carry on the tradition!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas on Christmas Eve!

Since we were flying back to Vermont on Christmas day, we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve with the Ballard family...wonderful dinner, tons of presents, great Christmas Eve church service, and endless fun!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Knott's Berry Farm

On Thursday...our first day without rain!...Mom and Greg got ticket for Knott's "Merry" Farm for Aunt Jackie, Michelle, Steve, Charlie, Wyatt and our family...what a fun day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Snow Storm

This week we got a ton of snow...I learned to use the snow blower myself, and between Scott and I I think we've done the driveway 5 times! Today Braden and I decided to clear the deck out back...what a helper!